Why choose Mortgage Equities instead of a traditional bank construction loan?
We are a privately owned, non-bank, non-regulated lender with investor funds.
We don’t waste time with “maybe” — we quickly analyze your loan request to determine if we can provide the financing you need.
We take into account the fact that real estate environment has significantly changed in the past few years with supply chain delays and subcontractors in high demand. We consider all of these factors when underwriting a loan, which allows us to set a realistic maturity.
We enjoy creating relationships with our builder clients that go beyond our industry standard and only consider a transaction successful if a borrower profits from the project. We take pride in the fact that we have many repeat builder clients.
Construction Loans and Fix & Flip Guidelines
Up to 65% of Finished Value
Acceptable Collateral
Mobile home & RV parks
Single family subdivisions
Self storage
Light – industrial
- Taverns
- Restaurants
We will consider other types of income property.